
Unhappy With the Boy Scouts? Stop Whining, Start New Clubs

Re “Girls, Gays and Agnostics Need Not Apply. Oh, Really?” (March 27): Are we done yet? I am tired of beating this poor, old dead horse over the issue of whom the Boy Scouts can or can’t let into to their club. If the Girl Scouts don’t do the same thing that boys do, change the Girl Scouts.

Why does the media have to grab these malcontents? If these people don’t like what the Boy Scouts are doing, have them make up their own club so they can make up their own rules.




I was absolutely appalled to read the report on Katrina Yeaw. The report says that her reason for trying to force her way into the Boy Scouts was “because there were no age-appropriate Scouting groups for girls near her home.” Why not start one?


Katrina Yeaw has no more right to force her way into the Boy Scouts than she has to force her way into my house. That her father should teach her otherwise is socially irresponsible.


Santa Monica
