
City Prepares for Arrival of El Nino

In anticipation of El Nino weather conditions producing heavy rainfall, the city is cleaning storm drains, buying sand bags and trimming trees.

Plans have been made to buy 10,000 unfilled sandbags to have ready at fire stations and the City Yard.

Proof of residence is required to obtain the bags.

Field crews have been cleaning catch basins and clearing vegetation from city-maintained flood control channels. More than 2,000 trees are being trimmed to prevent saturated limbs from collapsing.


Residents can prepare for storms by checking their roofs for leaks, freeing drains and rain gutters of debris, and moving indoors those items threatened by rain, officials said. Much of this is seasonal, but extra precautions are being taken this year because of El Nino.

Cities countywide are taking similar steps.

Information: (714) 593-4400.
