
Boos and Cheers for Khachigian

* Kenneth Khachigian’s Aug. 17 offering is a crude hatchet job in which he merely takes every opportunity to impugn the president, the vice president, the Democratic National Committee and any Democrat within reach. Khachigian must have forgotten that venomous sarcasm seldom changes any minds but does tend to polarize.

Voters are more sophisticated today and would welcome columns that zero in on the real problem, which is soft money and campaign reform. The system itself has run amok with widespread campaign abuse by both major parties. Corruption will continue until we bite the bullet and make major changes.


San Clemente

* Kudos to Kenneth Khachigian for his excellent Aug. 31 column on drug abuse. We’re never going to get this problem licked until officials stop making excuses and get tough on abusers.


What kind of example are we setting for today’s children?


Los Alamitos
