
Moorlach Sets Record Straight

* Having the distinct honor of serving as Orange County’s elected treasurer-tax collector, it has been a unique experience to be the target of angry letters to the editor. In every case thus far, the taxpayer did not have an accurate understanding of all the facts and misspoke. This occurred again with John T. Chiu’s recent experience with my office (Letters, Aug. 31).

There is no refund forthcoming as we have already issued the payment. I would request that Chiu, an experienced real estate owner, review his records more accurately in the future before publicly impugning an innocent and cooperative party related to his financial transactions.

If there is a discrepancy, he should not hesitate to call our office at 834-3411 or contact me personally if it is not satisfactorily resolved.


Our office has been in the process of preparing a memorandum of explanation, in conjunction with the auditor-controller’s office, for these types of supplemental tax refunds.

It will be included with the checks issued by the county to the affected taxpayers. Certainly, when someone as sophisticated as Chiu is confused, providing such an insert with the check is long overdue.


Treasurer-Tax Collector
