
2 Deputy D.A.s Named Branch Office Heads

Two of Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Gil Garcetti’s top assistants will be reassigned to supervise branch offices in an action requested by both of the prosecutors, Garcetti has announced in a memo to staff.

Chief Deputy Dist. Atty. Sandra L. Buttitta, Garcetti’s second in command since he took office in 1992, will take over as head deputy of the Torrance branch.

Assistant Dist. Atty. R. Dan Murphy, one of three assistant district attorneys, will become head deputy of the Pasadena branch.


Both reassignments, effective Jan. 5, were sought by the prosecutors so they could work more closely to where they live, Garcetti said in his Thursday memo.

Replacing Buttitta will be Assistant Dist. Atty. Robert P. Heflin, head of the office’s Special Operations Division. No immediate replacement was named for Murphy.
