
Computer, Business and Education Classes Offered

Several business, computer science and education classes are being offered by Cal Lutheran University’s Office of Continuing Education through August. Most of the courses will be taught at the Thousand Oaks campus.

Business courses are being offered as part of the Effective Human Resources Management and the marketing certificate programs. Computer science courses will focus on the Internet, Word 6, Hyperstudio, Clarisworks, Powerpoint and ideas for teaching writing.

Education courses include curriculum ideas, time management, integrating nursery rhymes and fairy tales in the classroom, and mixed-media. A variety of noncredit classes also are being offered, including preparation for the GRE, MBA and CBEST, a cardiopulmonary resuscitation health-care provider course, and U.S. Constitution preparation and exam.


A complete listing of courses, schedules and fees is available at (805) 493-3130.
