
Investment Banker Appointed to Airport Commission

Glendale investment banker Jerry Briggs, 52, has been named to the commission overseeing the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority, replacing outgoing Commissioner Robert Garcin.

The Glendale City Council also voted to reappoint Commissioners Carl Meseck and Carl Raggio to the nine-member board, city spokesman Rich Wells said.

Briggs said his first goal will be to resolvepending litigation surrounding a planned expansion of Burbank Airport. Burbank, Glendale and Pasadena, which each appoint members to the Airport Commission, disagree on a plan for expanding the airport to 19 gates, with the potential to build eight more later.


Glendale and Pasadena support the plans; Burbank, which wants more control over noise and traffic around the airport, advocates a more limited expansion. Although he supports Glendale’s position, Briggs also said he sees “room for movement for both parties.”

Briggs is a former vice president and general manager of Coca-Cola of Los Angeles and is a managing partner of Hollywell Partners. He served with the U.S. International Trade Commission, leaving the panel just after the NAFTA treaty was completed, he said.
