
Trash Disposal Rates Expected to Go Down

Trash disposal savings created by a decrease in county landfill rates are expected to be passed along to residents in action today by the City Council.

The county on July 1 will drop its landfill rates--the cost of dropping off trash at the county dumps--from $27 per ton to $22 per ton.

For Laguna Niguel residents using two, 35-gallon containers, monthly trash rates will decline from $11.92 to $11.67. Households using two, 67-gallon bins will see monthly bills drop from $13.54 to $13.06.


Under terms of the city’s trash contract, Solag Disposal Inc. is obligated to forward such returns to residents, City Manager Tim Casey said.

“The contract mandates they do this,” said Casey, adding that the franchise also allows the waste hauler to ask for more money when expenses increase.

Solag has not asked for a rate increase in at least four years, Casey said.

The meeting will take place at 7 p.m. in City Hall, 27801 La Paz Road. Information: (714) 362-4300.
