
Let’s Agree to Disagree on Free Speech

Apparently, Robert Costes, whose letter you published on May 26 (“A Few Inconsistencies From the Left”), has never heard of Voltaire. He famously said, “I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Costes seems to believe that when the ACLU defends people’s right to speak, they are therefore agreeing with what they say. But what the ACLU is really defending is not the content of the speech of either right-wing morons or people like Jerry Springer, but their right to say anything they want, however idiotic, without government interference, and the right of anyone else, including ACLU members, to disagree with them. The last time I looked, it wasn’t right wing or left wing to defend free speech--it was American.


Beverly Hills


When you “aggressively pursue a philosophy of freedom of speech” you most assuredly have not abdicated the right to criticize. Every American holds the right to criticize, and question, no matter what philosophy they adhere to. I do agree with Robert Costes in a roundabout way: Too many people (liberal, conservative alike) are willing to toss away the rights of others because they find something “objectionable,” “sleazy” or contrary to what they believe.


Redondo Beach


Regarding Robert Costes’ letter: Gary Franklin did not say Jerry Springer should not be on TV. He said he had no business being on a news program. Though, considering the quality of news programs these days, what’s the difference?



Newport Beach
