
Used Books

breaker n. dealer who breaks apart rare art books, atlases or Bibles and sells the illustrations one page at a time to maximize profits.


Brodart v. or n. enclose a book inside a protective clear plastic cover. From Brodart, the major manufacturer of the covers. “Brodart that Grisham for me.”


deco books n. books bought by the yard by decorators, set designers and the like to be displayed, not read. syns: furniture, filler.



ghosting n. stains left by tape or other long-removed foreign object inside a book. “I’d give you top dollar for that first-edition Hawthorne if it weren’t for the ghosting.”


glop n. unsaleable junk books. syn: blecch.


hurt n. badly damaged book sold as is. “‘Slaughterhouse Five’? Our only copy’s in pretty bad shape--it’s back with the hurts.” syn: W.A.F., “with all faults.”


remainder v. send unsold books back to the publisher; often, these eventually find their way to used-book dealers, which sell them at heavily discounted prices. rel. O.P., “out of print.”



sheep n. readers who flock to bookstores in search of suddenly hot authors or trendy topics. “After those Heaven’s Gate suicides, I must have had 20 sheep in here looking for anything on flying saucers.”


sleeper n. undervalued book, a find.
