
Truck Strikes, Kills Japanese Businessman Crossing Street


A 31-year-old Japanese businessman probably mistook San Fernando Road in Newhall for a one-way street when he attempted to cross the busy thoroughfare and was killed Monday when struck by a tractor-trailer, his friends said.

Inage Noriaki, from Kochi City, Japan, was pronounced dead by Los Angeles County Fire Department paramedics after they arrived at the scene in the 24900 block of San Fernando Road.

Sheriff’s deputies said Noriaki died from massive trauma after being hit by the truck as it headed south along San Fernando Road at about 6 a.m. The driver, a 42-year-old Newhall man, was not arrested and the case is still under investigation, deputies said.


It is unknown why Noriaki was trying to cross San Fernando Road, but friends said he told them when he left his room at the Santa Clarita Motel that he was going out for a walk.

Noriaki, who was on a five-day trip to the U.S. with four friends to buy merchandise for his Kochi City clothing store, was scheduled to return home today.

“He probably got confused,” said Ben Sannie, 31, who is from Osaka and was visiting the U.S. on business. “Our streets are very different. A street like [San Fernando Road] in Kochi City would be one way. He probably wasn’t looking both ways for traffic.”


Sannie said Noriaki’s wife is expecting their first child next month.
