
Brian Bennett

Re your story on Brian Bennett, May 8: It’s so refreshing to see an honest, unbiased story of a man, his sexuality and struggle, both socially and professionally. Particularly when this man is a highly respected Republican figure in our community.

It’s unfortunate that even after 12 years of loyal service, Robert Dornan can’t support Bennett’s decision to publicly “come out.”

Rather than criticize Bennett, perhaps Dornan should reflect on some words from the Gipper: “Life--and the preservation of freedom to live it in dignity--is what we are on this Earth to do.”


After all, “This country was founded and built by people with great dreams and the courage to take great risks.” Bennett is one of those people and hopefully is leading the way for others to follow.


Long Beach

Bennett earned his living by promoting lies and slander about the gay community. Now he seeks absolution from it.

Too late, dude.


Sherman Oaks
