
Authors to Sign Copies of Novel About Ex-Slave

“Another Kind of Treasure,” a novel co-written by storyteller/actress Ellaraino and Bernice Sanders, tells the story of a 16-year-old girl nervous about a trip down South to visit her grandmother, who is about to turn 100. During the course of the journey, the nervousness turns into a revelation as the strength she sees in her grandmother infuses the young girl with inspiration.

The authors will sign copies of the novel today at 3 p.m. at the Baldwin Hills/Crenshaw Mall in the African Marketplace Boutique. The boutique is on the second floor near Robinsons-May department store.

“Another Kind of Treasure” is based on the true story of Ellaraino’s great-grandmother, Silvia Mack Gardner, who was born into slavery. Set free at the age of 10, Garner felt she wasn’t truly free until, at age 85, she learned how to read and write.
