
Setting Record Straight on U.S. Soccer Team

I read with disgust and amazement the April 26 letter regarding the U.S. soccer team. First, the letter expressed such a complete lack of knowledge about the world soccer situation and the U.S. national team. But more amazing is that the editors clearly could not recognize rambling that was completely off the mark.

The facts as I see them:

* The U.S. national team players are not amateurs, but in fact many play on world-class teams around the world.

* The U.S. played a match that except for one lapse by Kasey Keller was played at a high level of skill and intensity, a far cry from a decade ago.


* They battled Mexico, ranked 12th in the world, in a heart-stopping game that would have any knowledgeable soccer fan on the edge of their seat. Wake up, America. While this team is only ranked 24th in the world, it is a world-class team.


