
Teachers Union Avoids Stand on Class Sizes

As trustees of the Fullerton School District near a decision on whether to reduce second-grade classroom sizes, the teachers union has decided to take no stand on the matter.

“At this time, the Fullerton Elementary Teachers Assn. takes no position on the 1997-98 expansion of class size reduction until the district receives full funding from the state,” said Anita Smiley, the union’s president.

The district currently has no more than 20 students in each of its first-grade classrooms. Trustees are scheduled to decide on expanding the state-initiated class-size reduction program into second grade at a special meeting Tuesday.


Although the teachers union has no official opinion on the matter, individual teachers, who agreed that smaller classes are beneficial, unloaded their concerns at Tuesday’s school board meeting.

Many expressed fears that slashing class sizes would squeeze the district’s budget, forcing cuts in valuable programs. Other concerns focused on classroom space. Schools throughout the district have had to buy numerous portable buildings and take over libraries and computer labs to make room for classes.

Commonwealth Elementary School teacher Esther Borah, however, encouraged the school board to expand the class-size reduction program. “If we don’t, it’s going to be a real disgrace,” she said.


Parents agreed with Borah, urging the district to implement the class-size reduction in the second grade by next fall.

Several options are being considered to make room for more classrooms, including reopening the old Beechwood site as an elementary school, implementing a year-round school schedule, offering sixth-grade education at the junior high schools and buying more portable classrooms.

Tuesday’s meeting will be at the district office, 1401 W. Valencia Drive at 5 p.m.
