
Continuing Fallout From November Election

In Curt Pringle’s Column Right, April 22, he says that the Republicans “believe that all citizens, naturalized or native-born, bear a civic obligation to register and vote.”

Isn’t that the same Pringle that, along with the Orange County Republican Party, was sued and had to concede to a monetary settlement for having security guards challenging voters in the predominantly Latino precincts in Santa Ana?

Robert K. Dornan is just continuing with the same tack that Pringle began. By doing so, they hope to discourage Latino voters and inflame the rest of the populace against them.


Pringle’s comment seems hypocritical to me.



The demonstrations in Santa Ana again show the arrogance and anti-American attitudes of many Latinos. They come here, of course, because their own country can’t provide them the life they can expect here. So I have a solution.

Let’s invade Mexico, conquer it and make it the 51st state! Whipping the Mexican military is no problem from what I’ve seen of them.

American technology, government and capital would turn that miserable, Third World mess into a really worthwhile place. The water would be fit to drink, the sewers would work, the telephones would too. The people would be allowed to determine what government officials they want governing them, the police would be less corrupt, the schools would improve and the drug traffic would be more under control.


With that done, I imagine most of the Mexicans would return to Mexico and that would solve a big problem for California, Texas, Arizona and Florida (and probably a number of other states).



I am sickened about the disclosure of rampant voter fraud. While I do not support either Dornan or Sanchez, it is obvious a new election must be conducted. Criminal behavior, especially at the taxpayers’ expense, must be prosecuted.


