
Council OKs Plan for 300 New Street Lights

Seeking to improve living standards for portions of low- and moderate-income areas of Sun Valley and North Hollywood, the Los Angeles City Council has approved a plan to put 300 new street lights in the two communities.

The federally funded Los Angeles Neighborhood Initiative has targeted the two areas for revitalization and public safety improvements.

At LANI’s urging, the council Tuesday approved a package of block grants totaling about $1 million to pay for the lights, which LANI officials said would benefit residents and businesses by reducing crime, traffic accidents and neighborhood blight.


Major streets receiving new lights will include San Fernando Road and Strathern Street.

Annette Castro, an aide to Councilman Richard Alarcon, who represents the area, said street lighting has become a pressing need in many parts of the East Valley.

Jan Liptak, president of the Sun Valley Neighborhood Improvement Organization, agreed.

“It was neglected for so long,” she said. “Our community feels like it’s beginning to get things it deserved all along.

“These lights they’re putting in are a timely symbol of everyone working together to illuminate Sun Valley.”
