
More Firepower for L.A. Police

Re “Panel OKs More Firepower for LAPD Officers,” March 19: It’s about time our Los Angeles Police Department officers got some better, more powerful weapons to facilitate their law enforcement duties. For too long now, the only way that the LAPD has been able to intimidate, overpower or subdue violent criminal suspects is through sheer numbers. When there are 80 or 90 officers against two or three suspects, then there’s a fighting chance in light of the weapons criminals carry.

I think this country has gone the distance in granting rights to its citizens, but we haven’t gotten it through our heads that with personal freedoms come the obligations and responsibilities which some people just don’t handle well. Guns, like liquor and tobacco, are with us to stay, so forget gun control laws because they won’t work. Until the overall quality of life in large American cities improves, our law enforcers are simply going to have to be able to stop criminals in their tracks as quickly and efficiently as possible.



* How can anybody defend the proposition that all citizens should be able to carry guns when two trained and experienced police officers (in plain clothes) can get into a confrontation that escalates into one shooting the other dead (March 19)?



