
President’s Surgery

President Clinton had surgery following his accident (March 15). I was wondering if he had to go to the general practitioner first, before seeing the specialist? Also, I wondered if he had to wait several weeks for an appointment to see the specialist?

If he went straight to the specialist and hospital for surgery, will his health care plan cover the cost? Was it truly an emergency, or maybe just urgent care? Was the surgeon on the pre-approved list of doctors?

The news coverage did not report if the president struggles like we do with obtaining access to health care. I am very curious to know if the president and members of Congress have to go through the same bureaucratic nonsense we do.




The comments made by Republican Sen. Trent Lott (March 15) regarding President Clinton’s serious, painful and disabling accident and subsequent emergency surgery surpass anything I can recall over a long lifetime for exceedingly poor taste. For a senior U.S. government official to make such mean-spirited statements about an injury to our president reveals to me a major character flaw.

The Republican Party faithful must be newly reassured by this Lott action, which caps his taking over former Sen. Bob Dole’s job as Senate majority leader and now assuming Dole’s unofficial title as the long-time evil-speak champion in high U.S. public office.

My personal reaction--to borrow a few words coined by a popular American comedian--is: Trent Lott, “You are a na-a-asty man.”



San Marcos

Clinton slipped and injured his knee while on vacation. Quick, somebody, appoint a special prosecutor!


Newbury Park
