
Payton Accused of Punching Driver

Associated Press

A limousine driver assigned to Seattle SuperSonic Gary Payton has accused the star guard of punching him in the face over a fare dispute in Chicago.

Chicago police say Frank Shala told them the incident happened in front of a Chicago hotel about 9 p.m. Monday when Payton didn’t want to pay for the full five hours of service, but he did not file a report until 1:30 a.m. Tuesday.

“He didn’t want to pay,” Shala said Tuesday. “We got into an argument about it and he decided to use his fist.”


“I think I’m getting a black eye,” the driver, Frank Shala, said.

Payton’s agent, Eric Goodwin, disputes the allegations and Payton refused comment, saying only, “I don’t know nothing about it.”

Goodwin, handed out a two-sentence statement denying Shala’s account.

“The allegations against Gary Payton are completely without merit . . . ,” the statement said. “Gary will take whatever action is necessary to protect his personal and professional reputation, including pursuing any and all actions he may have against the parties who have intentionally misrepresented the truth at Gary’s expense.”

Shala, a driver from A Hollywood Dream Limousines in suburban Brookfield, was assigned to Payton both Sunday and Monday night.


Although he filed a battery complaint, police say Shala did not sign a summons that would have forced Payton to go to criminal court.
