
Molina Endorses Hernandez’s Foe

Portraying Los Angeles City Councilman Mike Hernandez as a politician out of touch with his constituents, County Supervisor Gloria Molina on Monday endorsed community activist Rose Marie Lopez in her bid to unseat Hernandez.

On a drug- and gang-infested Lincoln Heights street in District 1, Molina and Lopez said Hernandez and his staff do not share the concerns of the community.

“There is a sense of frustration in the community that Hernandez and his staff do not follow up on complaints,” said Molina, who predicted that Lopez would be the upset winner in the April 8 primary election. Lopez, who was born in Chavez Ravine and attended Lincoln High School, said tougher curfew laws are needed to help curb the high crime rate of the district, which encompasses Pico-Union, Highland Park, Lincoln Heights, Cypress Park and sections of downtown.


“We need to get the kids off the streets,” said Lopez, a former aide to ex-Councilman Arthur K. Snyder.

Hernandez scoffed at the charge that he was out of touch.

“My constituents know I’m out in the community,” he said.

Lopez, 64, sought to assure voters that she is not too old for the job. “I’ll dance with Mike Hernandez and we’ll see who lasts,” she said.
