
Full House: CSUN will end its fall...

Full House: CSUN will end its fall admissions for first-time freshmen March 15. . . . Having weathered a post-quake enrollment slump, the university topped its goal of 7,800 applications ahead of schedule. Officials expressed regret at turning away additional applicants, but a spokeswoman said, “We’re not too upset.”

Love, Shaq: One of the post-gun battle gifts to the North Hollywood Police Station had a special autograph. . . . It had eight large baskets filled with imported fruit and tropical floral bouquets. “They were huge,” a desk officer said. “We were impressed.” The card was signed: Shaquille O’Neal. . . . Meantime, the busy Shaq may be involved in a restaurant deal (B1).

Rough Road: Caltrans got more than it bargained for with a project to widen California 126 near Val Verde. Only now have crews finished the painstaking exhumation of an ancient Native American burial ground that was discovered beside the accident-ridden “Blood Alley” last fall. . . . Said Margaret Buss, a senior environmental planner: “You want to show as much respect as you can, but, at the same time, get them out.”


Long Look: Construction along the six-mile stretch of California 126 will begin in April, even as UC Santa Barbara researchers study the excavations. The remains will be reburied at a site to be agreed upon by several Native American groups.
