
Grant Will Provide for Disabled Access

Following the disqualification of a proposal for a street-repair project, the city has decided to use $45,000 in federal funds to improve access for the disabled.

The City Council unanimously approved the new use for the federal grant, earmarked for community development. Such funds must be spent to help low- and moderate-income areas.

Ismile H. Noorbaksh, public works director, told the council that La Palma’s federal money originally had been proposed for street repairs in the residential area bounded by Walker Street, Crescent Avenue, the Moody Creek Channel and the Pacific Electric right of way.


But the income of residents there puts the area above the limit, he said.

The federal money could be reallocated, Noorbaksh said, for street and sidewalk work to improve wheelchair access. He then asked the council to approve a contract for engineering design as the first step.

The plans will include a ramp at City Hall and wheelchair-access areas at several major streets.

Among other things, the project will provide wheelchair access to people crossing Walker Street from the Recreation and Community Services Building to City Hall and the Police Department, Noorbaksh said.
