
Prenatal Care for Undocumented Women

I almost fell out of my chair when I read “Migrant Groups Assail Plan to Cut Prenatal Care” (Feb. 6). Whatever happened to a gracious thank you from Magdalena Nevarez--an illegal immigrant, who bore three healthy children on our taxpayers’ dime?

The fact that she thinks “health care should be a right for everyone, whether you have papers or not,” made my blood boil. I don’t think I could go to Mexico and have my children free.

Gov. Pete Wilson is right on cutting the 70,000 undocumented women statewide. The $69 million saved can be better used in our deteriorating school systems, to which my hard-earned overtaxed dollars go. We need to unfasten the safety seat belt that is giving these women a very expensive free ride.



Long Beach

* The Wilson plan should not require any public hearings. If we know a woman is here illegally and we know where she lives (which we do, if we are giving her medical and financial aid), why should we allow her to remain living in this country? Is it so she can continue to produce “citizens”?

Prenatal care for illegals produces more “citizens” who will continue to overwhelm Medi-Cal programs, public schools and public housing facilities. Send her home to her country, and let her government help her deliver a healthy baby citizen for her country!


Sierra Madre

* How ironic (and hypocritical) for Wilson, who so sanctimoniously bashed, berated and belittled “big government” when it suited his politically correct purposes, to now run to the big government feeding trough and ask for help (Feb. 3). One might be charitable and say that he is now motivated by the nightmarish and inhumane impact on the poor, the sick, elderly and the disabled legal immigrants who will be denied survival help in the form of food stamps and SSI under the new welfare bill that he so loudly supported.


One might say that, but more realistically one can say that he is now motivated by the realization of the nightmarish impact the elimination of such aid will have on the state budget and the state economy. One could also laugh at the governor’s predicament, but it ain’t funny.


Sherman Oaks
