
Rogan’s Vote for Gingrich

* Re Valley Newswatch, “Vote for Newt?” Jan. 5, and “Gingrich Wins Reelection as House Speaker,” Jan. 8.

Although the image of Congress is at an all-time low because of corruption, one would think that a recently elected congressman who is also a former judge would not bow to political party pressure but vote against Speaker Newt Gingrich on ethical grounds. The speaker admitted being dishonest, and yet Congressman James Rogan voted for him to be the speaker.

Rogan follows party line instead of evaluating and deciding for himself. According to his thinking, if you can call it that, congressmen should just vote according to what the party wishes. A congressman need have no education or expertise but merely be able to call the party leadership and vote the way they wish.


We expect to have congressmen who can think, evaluate, weigh the pros and cons of an issue and vote for what is best for the country. It appears [Rogan] is rendering a verdict on Gingrich before the evidence is presented. Some judge.

There was a time when writing a congressman, I would have addressed that person as “The Honorable.” Not anymore. When Gingrich is elected, the image of all previous politicians as well as the present ones is tainted.

Congressman Rogan, I see no way for you to justify your vote. You might apologize to the electorate.



