
Casa Pacifica a Refuge for Children

It is important for a newspaper to report its communities’ information; it is also professionally responsible for that paper to report a balanced story based on the available facts. Your report on the Casa Pacifica child care agency fulfills the first commitment; unfortunately it failed to fulfill the second.

Casa Pacifica has undertaken the task as a private/public partnership to work with a population which frequently demonstrates severe and anti-social behaviors. The staff is trained in appropriate strategies and techniques for these behaviors. Their commitment is honest and professional. Without this sense of responsibility and caring these children would continue to suffer their pain without a “safe place” to be. Casa Pacifica offers these children a comfort zone, even within their own anger, discomfort and confusion. It is not a perfect situation, but it is a setting that reflects the dedication and commitment to healing and understanding necessary to allow and teach these traumatized children to function once again.


Casa Pacifica Angels Board member

Westlake Village
