
Mandatory Repair of ‘Gross Polluters’

Re “Car Owners Vent Anger at ‘Gross Polluter’ Law,” Sept. 3:

I agree. Long before smog was invented, I started to drive a Model-T Ford Roadster with a brass radiator. I still carry my DMV Class C driver’s license, which expires on my 86th birthday, Sept. 26, 1997.

I’m writing this letter because I resent the contemporary policy, which labels old vehicles like my 1970 Chevy Impala as a “clunker” or a “gross polluter.” What an insult. I am disabled--not my car!

However, I can’t stand the thought of going through the Smog Check II referee nightmare described so effectively in your article. Therefore, I’m giving up my pride and joy of the last 26 years in favor of dial-a-ride!



San Gabriel

* The “gross polluter” law for cars should also apply to gas-powered garden machines. When compared with a car the average lawn mower emits 11.5 times the amount of hydrocarbons, a leaf blower 34 times as much.


Laguna Beach

* At the phone number given in your article for complaints regarding Smog Check II, after several hours of dialing you may get an operator who simply informs you: You must voice your opinion to your legislators. You say: Where do I write? They say: You’ll have to look it up.

So here’s my opinion: This law, passed in several sneaky parts, is for the benefit partly for the few companies that will have exclusive rights to test, and primarily for big polluters who can smash a car and trade this in for pollution credits. All such tradable credits should be eliminated right away.



