
Crash Inquiry Cites Firefighter

A preliminary investigation into the May 8 death of an Oxnard community activist whose van was rammed by a city fire engine places partial blame on a city firefighter’s inattentive driving.

Although traffic investigators are hesitant to cast blame on any one individual, the traffic report states that veteran Firefighter Timothy P. Linman’s “inattention” was an “associating factor” in the fatal accident. The primary cause of the accident hasn’t been identified.

“If there hadn’t been inattention, then there probably wouldn’t have been an accident,” said Oxnard Police Cmdr. John Crombach, who oversaw the investigation. The report is under review by the district attorney’s office, which will make a final determination on the cause of the accident.


George Valle, 48, died of massive bodily trauma after his Ford Aerostar van was broadsided by a fire engine responding to an emergency call. The engine--with lights flashing and siren blaring--was racing through an intersection on Oxnard Boulevard as Valle tried to make a left turn onto the street.
