

Key to Election Tables

* An asterisk (*) denotes an incumbent candidate; a dagger (**) denotes an appointed incumbent.

* A double dagger (***) indicates a race where a runoff election will be held between the top two candidates if no one receives more than half of the vote.

* Elected candidates and approved measures--or those leading with 99% of precincts reporting--are in bold type. Runoff elections may be required in nonpartisan races where no candidate receives over 50% of the vote. Results are not official and could be affected by absentee ballots.


* For primary races, candidates are grouped by party; for other races, party affiliation is indicated in parentheses:

(A) American Independent

(D) Democrat

(G) Green

(I) Independent

(N) Natural Law

(P) Peace and Freedom

(M) Reform

(R) Republican

* 0% indicates returns were unavailable at edition time or only absentee ballots had been counted.

* District locations are identified by county. In Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego and Ventura counties, they are identified by community.


* Uncontested local offices are not included in the tables.


District 1

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Charles V. Smith: 11,954 (29%)

Mark Leyes: 10,895 (27%)

George B. Scott: 10,240 (25%)

Gary D. Copeland: 4,189 (10%)

Robert John Banuelos: 3,633 (9%)

District 3

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Mickey Conroy: 20,936 (23%)

Todd Spitzer: 16,471 (18%)

Susan Withrow: 13,392 (15%)

Helen Wilson: 9,832 (11%)

William A. Dougherty: 9,213 (10%)

Bruce W. Whitaker: 8,918 (10%)

Charles W. Maddox: 7,320 (8%)

Ron Middlebrook: 3,653 (4%)


Area 1

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Felix Rocha Jr.*: 19,717 (48%)

James Righeimer: 15,672 (38%)

Richard F. Avard: 5,776 (14%)

Area 3

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Eric H. Woolery: 31,494 (55%)

Joan S. Primrose*: 25,948 (45%)

Area 4

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Ken Williams: 31,192 (35%)

Brenda J. Bryant: 27,909 (31%)

Dean McCormick*: 20,794 (23%)

W. Snow Hume: 9,055 (10%)


Office No. 1

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Barbara Schumann: 211,525 (58%)

William McNames: 124,320 (34%)

Dan C. Dutcher: 31,532 (9%)

Office No. 17

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Nancy A. Pollard: 131,718 (37%)

Jim Brooks: 121,614 (34%)

Clancy Haynes: 105,099 (29%)

Office No. 22

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Carla M. Singer: 129,501 (37%)

Tom Dunn: 122,553 (35%)

Richard W. Stanford Jr.: 102,818 (29%)


Laguna Niguel

Office No. 1

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Carl Biggs: 31,316 (37%)

Paul J. Nestor: 13,796 (16%)

Lyle J. Robertson: 12,467 (15%)

Steve Corris: 11,253 (13%)

Max De Liema: 9,725 (11%)

Thomas R. Roll: 6,836 (8%)


100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

S--El Toro reuse plan.

Yes: 175,396 (40%)

No: 260,924 (60%)

T--Proposed county charter.

Yes: 152,311 (39%)

No: 235,562 (61%)

U--Amend proposed charter.

Yes: 100,529 (25%)

No: 307,358 (75%)


100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)


V--Appoint city treasurer.

Yes: 2,818 (44%)

No: 3,579 (56%)

W--Appoint city clerk.

Yes: 2,987 (47%)

No: 3,399 (53%)


100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

City Council

X--Recall of Karen Lloreda

Yes: 3,947 (48%)

No: 4,335 (52%)

If Recalled, Elect:

Bill Lane: 3,616 (61%)

Michael Eggers: 2,285 (39%)

Y--Recall of Harold R. Kaufman

Yes: 3,947 (48%)

No: 4,335 (52%)

If Recalled, Elect:

Ruby L. Netzley: 3,786 (69%)

Douglas Bitter: 1,684 (31%)

Garden Grove

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)


Z--Term limits.

Yes: 13,187 (73%)

No: 4,792 (27%)

AA--Transient occupancy tax.

Yes: 9,414 (54%)

No: 7,947 (46%)

BB--Business license tax.

Yes: 8,030 (47%)

No: 9,074 (53%)

CC--Water rate fees/charges.

Yes: 4,732 (26%)

No: 13,347 (74%)

DD--Water system/rate structure.

Yes: 8,598 (49%)

No: 8,839 (51%)

Huntington Beach

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)


EE--Appoint city treasurer.

Yes: 14,648 (44%)

No: 18,964 (56%)

FF--Appoint city attorney.

Yes: 12,639 (38%)

No: 20,860 (62%)

GG--Park and recreation assessment (advisory).

Yes: 16,223 (47%)

No: 18,514 (53%)


100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)


HH--Appoint city treasurer.

Yes: 7,708 (41%)

No: 11,248 (59%)

II--Appoint city clerk.

Yes: 8,047 (43%)

No: 10,861 (57%)

San Clemente

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)


JJ--Appoint city treasurer.

Yes: 3,162 (34%)

No: 6,260 (66%)

Seal Beach

City Council

District 2

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

George Brown*: 1,296 (62%)

Jeff Christ: 782 (38%)

District 4

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Patricia E. Campbell: 1,219 (59%)

Phillip K. Fife: 860 (41%)


City Council

3 Elected

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Jim Potts*: 4,600 (23%)

Jeffery M. Thomas*: 4,297 (22%)

Thomas R. Saltarelli*: 4,195 (21%)

Berklee Maughan: 3,372 (17%)

Jane Anderson: 3,252 (17%)

Contributing to The Times’ election coverage:

* Technical assistance: Systems architect Victor I. Pulver, systems analyst Jane Hwa, deputy systems editor James D. Angius.

* Compiled by: Times editorial researchers Nona Yates and Tracy Thomas.

* Contributing: Cecilia Rasmussen, Lilia Thompson, Michael D. Alvarez, Margaret Keefer, Christina Kelch, Anthony Kelker, Adrienne Lynch, Roshawn Mathias, Ed Saguin, Monika Torres, Rachel Vargas.

Sources: Election returns provided by the office of the secretary of state, county registrars of voters and the Associated Press.
