
Sherman Oaks : 2 Tanker Trucks Collide in Light Rain

A light sheen of rain fell on the San Fernando Valley on Thursday, coating freeways with a sometimes treacherous veneer of oil and water.

Two tanker trucks--including one carrying fumigation chemicals--skidded on the northbound San Diego Freeway and collided about 10:15 a.m., CHP Officer Rod Carter said.

California Highway Patrol officers closed the freeway for about 30 minutes until they determined that the trucks were not leaking, Carter said. There were no injuries.


Overall, the CHP said there were few accidents Thursday attributable to the slight rainfall, which left a meager .08 inches at collection sites in Woodland Hills.

Forecasters say the weak cold front that caused Thursday’s sprinkles should be gone today. Rob Kacznarek, a forecaster with WeatherData, a company that provides information to The Times, said the next time the Valley sees rain should be early next week.
