
Snoop Doggy Dogg Prosecutor Is Fined $200 for Contempt

The deputy district attorney in the Snoop Doggy Dogg murder trial was held in contempt of court Tuesday and ordered to pay a $200 fine after he leaped to his feet and yelled for the judge to stop a defense attorney from asking a witness a question that he deemed improper.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Paul G. Flynn ordered Deputy Dist. Atty. Ed Nison to pay the fine by Thursday. Nison attempted several times to stop lawyer Donald Re from questioning LAPD Det. Patrick Anguiano about a statement the rapper’s bodyguard made to police about whether the victim was carrying a gun.

Trying to show that the detective ignored information that Philip Woldemariam was armed when he was killed Aug. 25, 1993, Re asked: “Is it not a fact, sir, that my client McKinley Lee told you shortly after the shooting that Philip Woldemariam had a gun in his waistband under his shirt?”


The judge agreed that the question was improper, but sent the jury out of the room and scolded Nison for his behavior.
