
Task Force to Suggest Shopping Promotions

Determined to give local businesses a boost and increase the city’s sales tax revenue, the Economic Vitality Task Force will present its recommendations to the City Council tonight.

Among the suggestions are encouraging residents to shop in town by offering “residents only” discounts and incentives, publishing a catalog of local businesses and offering a “residents shopping day” with free parking.

Noting that sales tax collections have changed very little in the past five years, the task force is also proposing a price comparison study, which members say would show that prices on many items sold in Laguna Beach are no higher than they are elsewhere.


Other recommendations are working with the Chamber of Commerce on pro-business activities such as a “locals night” party and enlisting the help of commercial real estate brokers to attract businesses that residents in a recent survey said they want, such as a Trader Joe’s market.

Despite those efforts, Councilwoman Kathleen Blackburn, task force chairwoman, said, “We recognize we’re not going to have a big cash cow here like the Price Club or something like that. . . . It’s just not going to happen in Laguna.”
