
Teenage Smoking

It was a pleasure to read the editorial on the proposed FDA regulations to curb teenage tobacco use (Jan. 4).

Although the tobacco industry would like the public to believe these regulations are reminiscent of Prohibition, the truth is that the industry is making money from the illegal sale of tobacco to minors. Do industry leaders think the public will believe they are looking out for the rights of adults to smoke when they continue to make huge profits from the sale of cigarettes to kids as young as 12 and 13?

FDA regulations go a long way in protecting the health and safety of Americans. Restricting advertising, removing vending machines and curtailing the distribution of promotional items have proven to be effective tools at the local and state levels. Such restrictions are supported by a majority of Californians, both smokers and nonsmokers, who see protecting youth from a lifetime of addiction and illness as a priority. These regulations will not harm legitimate adult access to tobacco nor infringe on their ability to smoke.


Smoking is a pediatric disease. Let’s hope public health can continue its legacy of protecting the community from deadly diseases, including the debilitating effects of tobacco use.


Director, Public Health Programs and Services, Los Angeles County
