
Fans and Foes of the Disney Boycott

What are they showing their children (“Moral Crusading,” Dec. 25)?

By boycotting Disney Studios, they are showing their children that freedom of expression and freedom of religion are only allowed if it agrees with their own ideas. They are teaching their children, by example, that intolerance of other people’s beliefs requires that these ideas be banned. They show that they lack the faith in their own teachings and in their children to choose the “right” path.

Hopefully, Disney Studios is secure enough financially to stand fast in its support of the U.S. Constitution and our ideas of free speech. It is scary seeing this small, determined group of extremists trying to infringe on all other American citizens’ rights simply because they disagree with them.




I read with great interest your story regarding the “religious right” boycott of Disney due to their decision to extend health benefits to the “live-in lovers” of gay employees. I found it interesting to see just how many have joined me in what I believed to be my own personal, private boycott of Disney and Disney products.


As former Disneyland season pass holders, my family and I decided to no longer use them and let them expire. My children will not be going to see “Toy Story” and this was definitely a “non-Disney” Christmas. My private boycott may not make much of a difference to Disney, but if enough informed consumers join together, maybe even “invulnerable” Disney will have to listen.

While I do not expect Disney to discriminate against gay employees as a hiring practice, I am angered over their rewarding of the lifestyle that many of us believe to be immoral.

Disney claims that this decision is in line with its policy of not discriminating. I wonder how the heterosexual employees of Disney with “live-in lovers” feel. And what about the employees who have roommates of the same sex who aren’t lovers? Why aren’t they covered, and what kind of litmus test does Disney require to prove whose live-in is covered and whose is not?



