
Dole Focuses Ad on Forbes

After initially trying to ignore him and watching him rise in polls in key states, Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kan.) has decided to begin advertisements attacking Steve Forbes. The spot is Dole’s first attack ad of the campaign.

* THE AD: The ad displays graphics posing questions about Forbes as a narrator asks: “Have you heard Steve Forbes’ risky ideas? Forbes supports taxpayer-funded welfare benefits for illegal aliens. Forbes opposes mandatory life sentences for criminals convicted of three violent felonies. Forbes’ economic plan will add $186 billion a year to the deficit. No wonder Forbes opposes the constitutional amendment to balance the budget. The more you learn about Steve Forbes, the more questions you have. Steve Forbes: Untested leadership, risky ideas.”

* THE ANALYSIS: Forbes opposed Prop. 187, arguing that denying education and other benefits to the children of illegal immigrants was counterproductive. He also has questioned mandatory three-strikes laws, but aides say Dole’s charge distorts his position. The charge about his economic plan refers to his central campaign proposal--to replace the current tax system with a 17% flat tax. Forbes argues that doing so would unleash so much new investment that the economy would boom, leading to no lost revenue. Many economists doubt that and say a rate as high as 23% would be needed to avoid greatly increasing the deficit.
