
Westside : School to Build New Elementary Facility

Crossroads School in Santa Monica plans to start construction in the spring on an elementary school that will include a gymnasium, swimming pool, soccer field and baseball diamond.

The bigger building will allow the private school to offer two classes in kindergarten through fifth grade and will accommodate at least 100 more students. Historically, the school has offered just one class for each grade and has been forced to substantially limit its elementary enrollment, said Michele Hickey, director of development and community relations for the school.

The new gym and other sports facilities will be available to the public once Crossroads’ officials determine their own needs, Hickey said.


The new elementary school, on Olympic Boulevard between 17th and 18th streets, will take the place of Crossroads’ facility in leased space on 4th Street. Crossroads operates a middle school and high school just a few blocks from the site of the new elementary school building.

The school is trying to raise $8.5 million for the construction project, and has so far collected more than $5 million, she said. Crossroads has 960 students, 212 of them in the elementary school.
