
Gonzalo R. Cano; Latino Community Specialist for U.S.

Gonzalo R. Cano, 71, a Latino community specialist for the Justice Department. Cano was named by the U.S. Justice Department in 1967 to be a conciliation specialist for the Community Relations Service, handling problems of Latinos throughout the Southwest. He had previously worked as an executive with El Santo Nino Neighborhood Center of the Catholic Youth Organization in Los Angeles. Cano was particularly active in Southern California after the East Los Angeles riots in 1969 and 1970. A proud spokesman, he frequently wrote letters to The Times, including a commentary on how he wished to be identified. “ ‘Hispanic’ never,” he wrote. “ ‘Mexican American’ when I wish to be polite, just plain old ‘Mexican’ when I wish to be hostile. Down deep I like to think of myself as a one-horse, one-blanket Indian because it is that bloodline that really has to do with who I am and what I value.” On Saturday in Los Angeles.
