
Don’t Bet on It

“In the Square-Off Between TV and Computers, the Smart Money May Be on the Boob Tube” (by Daniel Burstein and David Kline, Oct. 29), there is no such thing as “smart money.” Just as more and more people are turning their TV sets off, they will act similarly to what the Internet has to offer.

And get ready for the newest craze of the 21st Century, personal interaction! Honest interaction will be the hallmark of society. Like the guy in the commercial says: “I guarantee it.”

Frederick Cleveland



What concerns me about the proliferation of the PC in American life is the health risk involved.


I am battling the ill effects of working extensive hours seated at a computer in poor ergonomic work conditions. I was a computer specialist for six years. I lost motor control of my hands and was diagnosed with three upper-extremity pain syndromes attributed to working in hazardous computing conditions.

Others are experiencing the same symptoms, but you won’t hear this news from our hard-working politicians. OSHA tried to implement standards to protect employees, but its budget may soon be trimmed because several conservative House Republicans believe repetitive strain injuries are not real.

The truth is not being told about this new technological breakthrough: Improper use in accessing the Web will slowly destroy your hands. That’s progress?


James Bruce

Laguna Beach
