
PIRU : 142-Year-Old Ranch Becomes a Landmark

Rancho Camulos, a 142-year-old ranch near Piru, was officially designated a Ventura County historical landmark Tuesday by the Board of Supervisors.

The ranch, whose main adobe dates to 1853, includes 15 buildings spread out over 1,800 acres, said Sandra Sanders of the county’s recreation services department.

The historical designation means that the county will notify the Cultural Heritage Board if owners of the property apply to alter, move or demolish any portion of the property’s buildings, Sanders said.


The Cultural Heritage Board will be given 180 days to try to work out a compromise with the owner to protect the integrity of the property, she said. If no compromise is reached, the board will at least have the opportunity to photograph and further document the buildings before any changes are made, she said.

The owners of the property consented to the historical designation, Sanders said.

In addition to the main adobe, the ranch also includes a winery built in 1867, a house built in 1887 and a schoolhouse built in 1947. The ranch is the 152nd county property to receive historical landmark status.
