
Initial Fund-Raiser for Police Substation Collects $800

A fund-raiser for the Ventura Police Department has raised $800, which will help pay the rent for a new storefront substation in downtown Ventura.

Downtown business owners, police officers and supporters gathered at a Chestnut Street law office Friday evening for the fund-raiser, the first of several planned to get the storefront operating.

Unlike the other three storefront substations in Ventura, which are leased to the police for free, the downtown storefront will require about $8,000 in rent annually, officials said.


Organizers of Friday’s event said they are disappointed they did not make more money but said other events are very likely to follow.

“We would have liked it to have been more, but that was good for a first try,” said Betty Orick, who helped collect checks and cash Friday evening.

Police are still looking for a prominent downtown location for the storefront, ideally on either Main or California streets. Police hope to have the substation open by December.
