
Encino Resident on Airport Panel

* I am writing to correct misinformation contained in an opinion piece by Gerald A. and Myrna L. Silver concerning issues relating to Van Nuys Airport (“Let’s Not Fly in the Face of Reality,” July 30).

In that article, the Silvers wrote that I had refused repeated requests to appoint a homeowner representative from south and southeast of the airport to the Van Nuys Master Plan Advisory Committee. Mr. Silver himself had asked me to appoint him to that position. However, I chose to appoint someone else, someone whom I felt would serve all residents effectively.

My appointee was Ken Millman, a businessman in the investment field. He is not only a resident of Encino but lives on the same street as the Silvers. They know each other well. Mr. Millman is a community activist, serving on the board of directors of Bet Tzedek and the City of Hope President’s Advisory Council, and as a Little League coach.


The Master Plan Advisory Committee format allows me, as a councilman representing an area abutting the airport, to appoint one member of the committee. I have done this; I simply did not appoint Mr. Silver.


Braude is the Los Angeles city councilman representing the 11th District.
