
Internet Gambling Is Dicey Proposition

Dan Akst’s column [“Info Highway May Convert Your PC Into a Gambling Mecca,” July 26] about betting on the Internet should have been retitled “Ready to Be Taken on the Internet.”

Akst apparently thinks the bookies in Antigua are behind the times, naive or stupid--or all three--when they listed the powerhouse first-place California Angels at 35 to 1 to win the pennant.

Akst couldn’t wait to send his $10 to this faraway place with the expectation that should the Angels win, he would be treated “fairly” and receive a whopping $350. Now that smacks of someone who is behind the times, naive, stupid--or all three.


Should the Angels, indeed, win the pennant, I would place the odds of Akst receiving his money at about 35 to 1.


Los Angeles
