
Volunteers : Helping hands : ORANGE : Police Program Earns Kudos for Director

What began as a modest plan to fingerprint local schoolchildren has grown in just two years into a far-reaching volunteer program that has won state accolades for its founder, Deborah Klein, a crime prevention specialist for the Orange Police Department.

“It was a matter of being in the right--or wrong--place at the right--or wrong--time,” Klein said with a laugh.

In addition to her regular duties coordinating crime prevention programs such as Neighborhood Watch, she directs 30 volunteers who help the Police Department by staffing the information booth and answering phones at the Batavia Street station and assisting with the anti-drug program.


For her achievements, Klein, 38, a nine-year civilian veteran of the department, was commended this summer by Volunteer Centers of California and won the annual Outstanding Director of Volunteers award from Orange County’s Directors of Volunteers in Agencies.

“We are extremely proud of Debbie,” Police Chief John R. Robertson said. “The volunteers save us thousands of dollars a month.”

When Klein first solicited volunteers to help fingerprint children, she discovered that parents and others were enthusiastic about the program. By word of mouth, people heard of the need for help and began signing up.


The Police Department made its volunteer program, with Klein as the driving force, official two years ago.

Klein said her biggest reward is seeing the enthusiasm of the volunteers, many of whom are retired. “It’s been a chance to meet a lot of skilled and intelligent people,” she said.

Klein said she is inspired too by how cheerful they are--a trait that her volunteers, who range in age from 20 to 90, say is inspired by Klein herself.


“I have never, ever seen her come in without a smile on her face,” said volunteer Marv King, a retired banker. “Debbie leads by her actions and not by what she says.”


* Volunteers needed:

What: In-home hospice helpers

Where: Hospice Family Care, Tustin

Mission: To offer companionship and help with errands to homebound terminally ill patients

Information: (714) 730-1114


What: Members for the Volunteer Business Task Force

Where: San Juan Capistrano

Mission: To advise the City Council on the concerns of the city’s merchants, financial institutions, Chamber of Commerce, restaurants, real estate agents and Mission San Juan Capistrano

Information: (714) 493-1171


What: Docents and teachers

Where: Santa Ana Zoo

Mission: To teach education programs offered by the zoo and to help with school tours, the Zoomobile, weekend family classes and the Critters Corner

Information: (714) 836-4000
