
Countywide : Purchase of Sheriff’s Patrol Cars Proposed

The Board of Supervisors next week will consider a proposal to purchase 42 patrol cars for the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.

The General Services Agency wants to spend as much as $835,000 on the new Chevrolet Caprices. The vehicles would replace aging sheriff’s cruisers that have more than 80,000 miles on them and are beginning to develop mechanical problems.

“This is the right time to acquire new vehicles,” said Barry Adams, manager of the county’s transportation division, noting that the agency could purchase 1995 models at sale prices.


Adams said it makes financial sense to replace aging patrol cars before they begin to develop costly engine problems.

“We’re trying to get every dollar we can out of them,” he said. “But delaying acquisition will be costly in the long run.”

Some county government critics oppose purchasing new cars, saying that such an acquisition does not make sense as the county tries to dig out of bankruptcy.


“Buying 42 new cars is really out of bounds,” said Carole Walters, president of the Orange County Taxpayers Assn. “Why are we spending all this money?”
