
Crime: Gay-Bashing in West Hollywood

Finally--an article in the Times that almost mentions the severe and scary bashing/harassment situation in West Hollywood (“3 Suspects Held in Assault and Threats Against 3 Transvestites,” Feb. 9). But, oh, how trivializing of our lives and limbs!

First, you take five paragraphs to report on an ugly but minor incident involving transvestites. Then, you quote a detective as saying it was the second gay-bashing to occur in less than a month (maybe it was the second reported to him), then gloss over the much more serious and injurious prior episode which was accurately reported in the West Hollywood Independent in January.

The last sentence takes the cake: “West Hollywood, an area known for its gay bars and male prostitutes, has a gay-bashing incident reported every month or two, he said.” I hope I don’t have to explain why I find that a dumb and insulting sentence.


What I see I do need to do is to request that you investigate and report on the several serious injuries and deaths that have taken place in recent years. But please don’t assign it to the reporter who wrote that sentence.


West Hollywood
