
WILMINGTON : Port Agrees to Build a Community Center

It’s been an uphill battle for residents here for more than six years, but officials at the Port of Los Angeles have finally agreed to build them a community center on the waterfront.

The Harbor Department will spend $2.5 million on a 10,000-square-foot building, which is a quarter of the initial sum promised.

But the scaled-down facility is a start, said community activist Gertrude Schwab. Schwab fought hard for the project during her tenure as a harbor commissioner, which ended in July.


The facility will be constructed on 10 acres at the end of Avalon Boulevard. It will be used for community meetings and activities, and to house historical displays.

During the fight for its funding, the project became known as the Banning’s Landing project--a tribute to seaman Phineas Banning, who landed at the site and founded the port community in 1857.
