
52 in County Infected With Measles Virus : Health: Officials say outbreak of the contagious disease is the worst in three decades. Medical workers stress importance of vaccinations in halting epidemic.


Ventura County’s measles epidemic has spread to as many as 52 residents, the highest level in nearly three decades of testing for the contagious virus, health officials said Monday.

In addition, there are 15 fever-and-rash illnesses pending investigation that could eventually drive the number of those infected to 67, officials said.

“Before the era of vaccine, it was routine to have far more cases than this,” said Dr. Gary Feldman, the county’s public health officer. “But since the era of effective vaccine, this is the worst.”


During the peak of a 1990 statewide epidemic, there were 51 confirmed cases recorded at one time in the county, Feldman said.

“We’re already above that figure in a one-week period,” he said.

Adults and preschool-age children--too young to have received a vaccination shot--have been most affected by the measles epidemic since the first cases were reported Jan. 20, officials said.

Because of the state’s immunization program in schools, “the vast majority of school-age children are protected,” Feldman said.


Although the majority of confirmed cases have been concentrated in the cities of Ventura and Oxnard, Feldman said, officials are concerned about the spread of the disease in the east county.


He said that a woman infected with measles may have exposed a number of Thousand Oaks residents to the disease when she attended two recent performances at the Civic Arts Plaza.

People who attended the “Chorus Line” show at 2 p.m. Jan. 19 and the Conejo Youth Symphony concert at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 20 may contract measles if they have not already had the disease or received the necessary immunizations to prevent it.


Feldman noted that the woman, an airline stewardess who was unaware that she had the measles, flew to Texas last week and may have exposed others on her flight.

“We are doing what we can to contact those who may have been exposed,” Feldman said.

Meanwhile, pregnant women, infants and individuals with suppressed immune systems remain the most vulnerable to measles. If the disease is detected within six days of exposure, patients may be given a shot of immune globulin to ward off the virus, Feldman said.

Health officials had feared a shortage of the immune-boosting substance because the military had bought up most of the country’s supply in preparation for the invasion of Haiti. But Feldman said Monday that through the efforts of Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Simi Valley) and the military, the county has received enough of the drug to serve its high-risk population who already have the disease or have a weakened immune system.

The county also has enough measles vaccine for the rest of population to combat the spread of the disease, said Lin Glusac, immunization coordinator for the county Public Health Department.

“We’ve received 5,000 doses from the state and another 5,000 are on the way,” she said. “The state has also assured us that we can receive any additional shipments within a 24-hour period, so that’s not a problem.”

Of the 22 confirmed cases, three are under the age of 1, three are school age and the rest are adults, Glusac said. Another 30 residents show all the symptoms but are awaiting for results of blood tests to confirm the virus. About 15 more display some symptoms. Since the outbreak, she said, health officials have seen a significant increase in the number of people coming to county health clinics for shots.


“People are aware of the epidemic and are taking action to protect themselves and their children,” she said.


The first symptoms of measles--a high fever, cough, runny nose and red or watery eyes--typically show up about 10 days after exposure. A blotchy, red rash usually follows in three to seven days.

The disease is easily spread through secretions from the nose and throat that can be airborne.

Although measles is usually benign, possible complications can include pneumonia, infection of the cornea, middle-ear infections and brain damage. In rare cases, measles can be fatal.

Glusac said that county health clinics in Ventura and Oxnard will be open extra hours today and Thursday to provide immunizations. Parents can call the Ventura office at 652-5918, or the Oxnard office at 385-8652.
