
ANAHEIM : School Employees Get 2nd Pay Raise of 1%

The Anaheim Union High School District approved a 1% pay increase last week for all employees, the second half of a two-step pay increase approved last summer.

The district granted a 1% hike last July to all employees in the district. As part of contract negotiations with its three employee associations, the district agreed to increase salaries by an additional 1% if its reserves were at least 3% on Dec. 5.

The district met the reserve level on that date, one day before the county filed for bankruptcy. Although the financial crisis since then has altered the district’s financial position, Supt. Cynthia Grennan said she recommended granting the pay increase because it was a negotiated agreement.


“It was the fair and right thing to do,” Grennan said.

The recent increase is effective Feb. 1 and will cost the district $675,000 a year.
