Ram Fans Not Exactly Broken-Hearted
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I want to support the Los Angeles Rams in Anaheim. If the Rams agree with the (Save the Rams) committee’s goals and my goals, I support a new $200-million football stadium for the 6-10, 5-11 and 4-12 Rams. Furthermore, if the Rams actually win eight football games in 1995, I support an additional $75 million for a shiny dome on their new $200-million football stadium.
I know all 25,705 fans can cheer gleefully and sit comfortably watching the Rams lose another game in their new shiny domed stadium. Perhaps, a new shiny domed stadium is the missing link to the Super Bowl for the Rams organization. Georgia, I believe the road to the Super Bowl in your new shiny domed football stadium runs through St. Louis, not bankrupt Orange County.
GREGORY ALLEN HELM, President & CEO, Save the Fans, Yorba Linda
Georgia, I’m sure you missed it and wouldn’t recognize it if it bit you on the nose, but it didn’t escape those of us who stayed after the last tear-soaked note of Auld Lang Syne at the Redskins-Rams game; we who truly love this team, and who understand loyalty. The feeling was tangible and undeniable--in spite of the reported attendance, that beautiful stadium was filled to capacity with feelings of pride, disappointment, betrayal, love, loss, melancholy and probably most of all, gratitude.
Gratitude to all of those great Ram players over the years, the Van Brocklins, Waterfields, Gabriels, Snows, Lundys, Joneses, Slaters, Bettises and so on. Thanks to all of you for being Los Angeles Rams. It wasn’t always easy, and the fans weren’t always kind, but you were always there, and it’s hard to imagine life without you.
ROB STREED, Mission Viejo