

Here is a selection of comments from Times readers about the county’s ongoing bankruptcy crisis and recent cutbacks. Call TimesLine with your comments at (714) 808-8463 (then press * 8300) or fax us at (714) 966-5663.

“In the banking industry, the government has taken down hundreds of institutions in which common investors, both small and large, have lost their life savings, pensions and livelihood. No problem, we say, they were taking too much risk. And in many cases we put the chief executive officer and the board of directors in jail for risking the investors’ money.

“Guess what! Robert Citron is the CEO and Supervisors Riley, Wieder and company are the board of directors who were told repeatedly that rising interest rates cause a decrease in bond value. (Fed Chairman Alan) Greenspan not only increased the interest rate, but said he would again and again and kept his word. . . . Now they, Citron, Riley and Wieder, retire at no cost or loss to them and start collecting their pensions. I’m incensed that government employees are not held accountable for these losses as in private industry.”


Bill Owens, Huntington Beach


“Perhaps we’ve been too hard on Mr. Citron. After all, he was applauded for years for getting Orange County higher rates of return than other counties. Let’s see, if he’s averaged a hundred million dollars extra for us for each of the last 20 years, then a $2-billion loss is break even (without interest, of course). If he didn’t do that well, then I suggest the first dollar of his pension be paid to him only when the last dollar owed to our county teachers has been paid. Fair is fair.”

Robert Fairbanks, Dana Point


“The supervisors are still making a mess of things, not to mention the embarrassment that has been caused. Supervisor Gaddi Vasquez better get a grip in life. We, the people of this county, will not stand for any more. Supervisors Riley and Wieder getting their retirement and medical benefits after they were a part of victimizing all of us? What a joke! We have layoffs that were not supposed to happen. Incoming supervisors who want to give up free cars and don’t know how they’re going to get around? Well, they can use their own car and pay for their gas, like we do. Recall! Recall!”

Mary Melanson, Orange


“I have totaled up the supervisors’ perks and salary and it comes to $101,868 annually, plus their vacation unlimited. This is unheard of in any private enterprise or in any job that I’ve ever had or ever heard of. The supervisors have not supervised. A recall is definitely in order. Their cutback ought to be at least 25-30% of their salaries and their perks. They have squandered our money, tax money, and in Orange County, with the economy what it is, it is unthinkable. It borders on criminal, in my opinion. There are people hungry. . . . As far as I’m concerned, they should all resign.”


Rose Lewis, Huntington Beach


“I’m not squawking about Bob Citron, I’m squawking about the supervisors. All the proposed things they’re supposedly willing to give up is just child’s play. . . . Get rid of them! They’re no good, they’re going to hang on and still bleed us dry. Get ‘em out of there, have an election and ride ‘em out of the county! Get somebody in there that can run this county clean and decent. . . . I’ve been here over 20 years, I’m fed up with it. And all my neighbors are too.”

Richard W. Hart, Laguna Niguel


“Let’s see the supervisors cut their salaries, benefits and retirement at least 50%. Unlimited vacation days? Must be nice. My daughter teaches in an Orange County public middle school and is in danger of losing her job. The way I see it, that’s a 100% pay cut. Let’s get real! Five percent cuts by our supervisors? That’s barely a trip to the grocery store.”

Carolynn Rowell, Garden Grove


“I’m a city employee with the city of San Juan Capistrano, which did not invest in the Orange County pool, and I’m very proud of that. At the same time, though, I am extremely saddened to see that my colleagues in city government will be affected by the irresponsibility of Mr. Bob Citron, as well as the supervisors. . . . Unfortunately this event comes right at the time of Christmas, which couldn’t happen at a worse time for those possible hundreds of county employees and their families. It is just at a time when the county was starting to turn around and jobs in government were starting to get better. . . . There’d been four years of recession and this is just another blow to California. I hope that things do get better, but at the same time, this may be the nail on the coffin for California.”


Mechelle Lawrence, San Juan Capistrano


“The profound loss of funds belonging to the citizens of Orange County is the result of irresponsible acts by officials who are in a position of trust. . . . These acts are inexcusable and should result in removal of all persons responsible. Such careless irresponsibility cannot be tolerated by the citizens of this community. In my opinion, the nation is watching Orange County in disbelief. From now on, we’ve got to watch the store a lot more carefully.”

Bernard Wiesel, Huntington Beach
